
Happy Monday everyone! It’s been a minute since my last post but I really wanted to share these awesome photos we took a couple weeks ago. If you follow me on snapchat (drunkonshoes) hopefully you caught all the behind the scene moments as we had to trek through mud and some really sketchy areas to get these shots.  I really have an appreciation for broken down and abandoned buildings and finding these gems all over the city just splattered with street art from unknowns is so fun for me.  What’s great about this area is the artwork always changes.  Over time people come and layer on top of each others’ art as a way to always keep it fresh and moving.  Definitely one of the coolest spots we have stumbled on.

I also really wanted to take photos because I was having a really good hair day.  I have been having a lot of good hair days lately thanks to this amazing app VIVE.  In short, VIVE is a blowout membership.  What does that even mean!?  Well… it means that now you have a way to connect to salons around wherever you are in the city and snag an open appointment with a great stylist for a blowout.  This is so perfect for someone like me who is so bad at making appointments ahead of time but I’m also not that picky about my blowouts.  Sometimes they are great, sometimes only so-so but still 100% better than doing it myself.  So I love that this app takes care of finding me a salon that is close to whatever location I’m in, books the appointment, and even the tipping is done for you.

I have so much hair and it’s such a pain to do so I have been really loving just popping into whatever salon the app matches me up with at the time frame of my choosing and walking out with my hair swishing and smelling like heaven.  I’ve had the service for about a month now and have used it 6 times in the month.  I’m definitely seeing the benefits of this service and have been so happy with my blowouts.  The photos below, believe it or not, is two days after my last blowout.  I just put a little dry shampoo into my roots and jujjjsh my hurrr a little bit and I prolong my blowouts for almost 3 full days!

knit_sweater_graffiti-3knit_sweater_graffiti-8knit_sweater_graffiti-2 knit_sweater_graffiti-6 knit_sweater_graffiti-5 knit_sweater_graffiti-4 knit_sweater_graffiti-7

//  sweater – callahan  //  pants – hm x balmain  //  bag – celine  //  sunnies – gentle monster  //

DOS signature thin


And here’s the BEST news.  I am giving away a free one month subscription to the VIVE membership for anyone in the city of Chicago.  I would really love it if one of my local followers wins and we accidentally run into each other at one of the affiliated salons.  Hahaha…  So here we go… the rules are super simple:

  1. Limited to Chicago area
  2. Enter by filling out information requested below
  3. Giveaway closes one week from today

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  1. December 15, 2015 / 11:12 am

    Love it! Entered – thanks for tagging me! 🙂

    Also… I’m quite sure you are one of the very few ladies who can pull off this baggy look and look FAB!

  2. December 15, 2015 / 11:12 am

    Love it! Entered – thanks for tagging me! 🙂

    Also… I’m quite sure you are one of the very few ladies who can pull off this baggy look and look FAB!

    • Shai
      December 15, 2015 / 11:15 am

      thanks for entering babe! you would love this service! i thought of anyone with a lot of hurrrr.. hahaha..

  3. December 23, 2015 / 7:15 am

    thank you for liking my picture on instagram so that I find your blog!
    I fell in love with your blog and you definitely have a new follower!
