Hi everyone! I hope you all had a fun 4th of July weekend! I spent mine really catching up on some errands and chores and spent some time just chilling outside and relaxing. It’s been a little over a week since my California trip and I am missing every moment. Not only because Chicago’s weather as usual welcomed me back with thunderstorms and fickleness, but because I sure could have used more days in LA with my little family unit and diving more into the food scene. I feel truly blessed to have had such great memories of having us all together on vacation. It was so fun watching Wrigleyboo walk around and explore the city. I started to feel like we were locals as we hung out with some friends and even had dinner with Wendy and MM at their favorite Korean BBQ spot in K-town.
At times I feel like I have quite a charmed life. Made even more charming by this beautiful charm bracelet by Monica Rich Kosann. As I get older, I love the thought of starting a charm collection. One that I can add on to when special moments in my life occur. There is something classic and absolutely chic in wearing a charm bracelet that represents the journey in your life. I hope to one day create one representing my travels. I’ve always dreamed of traveling more but having a corporate job makes that hard with limited days off. So each time I get the chance to hop on a plane and venture into a little adventure, it means so much more. I hope to travel more internationally and explore the world and visit some friends I have made recently. Luckily we live in a world where communicating across borders is so easy and making friends from around the globe is not as hard as it used to be. I feel so fortunate to have met some amazing people this past year and am looking forward to meeting more.
One in particular I feel ever so blessed to have met. I want to thank Monica of Monica Rich Kosann for sharing her gorgeous pieces with me so that I may showcase them to all of you. And in celebration of such a beautiful collaboration with Monica Rich Kosann as well as the launch of her new site, I will be hosting a giveaway this month of one of her pieces. Please stay tuned on the blog and my other social media for details. I am so happy to be able to share a piece of my charmed life with you and as always, thank you so much for your love and support!
// Charm yourself with my favorites //

// top – express // shorts – old // shoes – asos // sunnies – house of harlow // charm bracelet – thanks to monica rich kosann // necklaces – cartier, lionette, maya brenner //
// replicate the look //
Pics are simply gorgeous!
thank you! xx
Love you blog!
What lashes are you using? I heart them!!!
Karen, they are by House of Lashes. The style is “Iconic”. =D
thank you, doll!
i just ordered a bunch of Red Cherry 43’s to try – I was hooked onto ardell wispies but going to try the real hair ones.
have you tried the r.c. 43? if so, are they comparable to the HOL iconic?