Hey guys! ZOMG, I had another jam packed weekend. The weeks are just flashing by in a blur but luckily it’s all been nothing but funsies. Well… funsies and driving all over suburbia. I haven’t driven this much and gone to the suburbs this often in like two years. LOL. Friday was spent partying it up with some of my girls at Studio Paris. That place is such a pain to get into. It seems like it’s a bottle service mandatory kind of place which sometimes makes no sense. I would have probably spent more money if I didn’t feel like I was automatically restricted to the bottle that we all pitched in for. And yea, hellooooo.. how is it mandatory for a group of 7 girls to get a bottle? Not to be all double standard but what ever happened to the letting girls in no problem in order to lure in the boys strategy? It’s not that I’m too cheap to buy a bottle, it just sux for a group of girls who all don’t like to drink the same thing. N’am sayin?! And not gonna lie, the bouncer straight told me there was only one table left and it was $3,000!! Do I look like I would pay that much to party somewhere? I’d rather party outside on the sidewalk with a new Celine bag. GEEEEZ! So basically we got in by purchasing one bottle for “standing room” admittance. Once we were in, I must say, we had a friggin’ blast. The music was amaaaaazing! It did get a little crowded at some point but I guess there are tons of people in Chicago that can afford $1000+ tables. Can we be friends?

Saturday and Sunday were both spent at weddings. Weddings are what I like to call adult proms. It gives you a chance to get dressed up, have dinner, then pound the dance floor just like prom, except church and speeches are mixed in there somewhere. LOL. Saturday wedding was for a beautiful couple who I was referred to for Day of Coordinator services. Yea that’s right. I do that too. The wedding was a little non-traditional but I think it was also one of the best I’ve had the pleasure to coordinate. It was a smaller group but everyone was fun and down to have a great time. You can’t ask for anything more than that! The couple had a great time and so did I. Especially because they encouraged me to stay and party after my duties were done. WOOT! Congrats to you J+M!
Sunday was extremely special. Mainly because I was with my besties. We call ourselves JASA and though we don’t really live near each other anymore and one is off flying all over the world, it’s so rare but beautiful when all four of us are together. And how beautiful it was that we got all together this time for A’s Chinese wedding. A went and eloped a few months ago leaving the rest of us a little bummed for missing it. But we all understood, each bride is different and we just wanted her to be happy. So it was super hooray for us when she decided to do a Chinese wedding celebration back home. It felt so great to be able to help her with things like decorating and helping her change into her dresses. She was my MOH for my wedding so it was touching to act like some sort of bridesmaid for her.

If you followed me on Instagram this past weeked, you know I wore this shade of blue twice! I am having a little obsession with this color right now. And it just so happens to match a very special pair of blue suede shoes in my collection. Hehehe… =) I’ve also been rocking these bangles and earrings a lot lately because they pop off so well against this bright blue color and also match any casual jean and tee outfit. What colors are you guys loving right now?

Dress – Cameo | Shoes – Christian Louboutin | Belt – Urban Outfitters | Accessories – Thanks to Elizabeth Showers